Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Testing, Testing.....

Here are just a few pictures of Me and my boys. Looking back at when Brody was a baby makes me so sad! I cant even believe how fast time has gone by. I thought these were cute and wanted to share them! (plus I like the way my hair is blowing in the breeze in the one above)

Well its official!! I have a BLOG!! I honestly think it took me about 10 hours to finally get this thing up. I even had big plans for dinner! I was going to make Gumbo for the first time. After I spent FOR.EV.ER. on here trying to figure this out, the whole Gumbo idea went out the window. So After some help from Jason and my sister in law, I SORT OF know what Im doing. Just give me a little time and I'll be the next Pioneer Woman. So I guess I just act like this is a Diary? If Im doing this all wrong, someone please tell me. 
I have been thinking about starting a Blog for a while, and after seeing all of my other friends blogs, I gave in. Plus Im sure everyone will be sitting at their computers all day just waiting for my next post, right? =)
Well, its 11:27 and Brody has "School" aka Mothers Day Out tomorrow so Im going to not procrastinate (like I usually do) and get all his stuff ready. I NEVER get things together the night before. I like to be extremely rushed and stressed out in the mornings. Who am I and where is the OLD Michele? It must be my new blog.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got it up and running! Cute pics so far! Can't wait to see your next post!
